$57.50 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Payment Plans:

You can pay for the course in full or spread the payments out over 2 months. Depending on the plan you choose, the initial payment will give you access immediately. Payments will occur on the same day the following month until all payments are complete. If a payment is declined, the course will be removed from your account and will remain unavailable until payment has been received.

May I Purchase The Course At Once?

The benefit of participating in the online Discover The True You course versus brick and mortar is that you get to set your pace. You can work on one session at a time or however many sessions you believe you can handle. You can make the full registration upfront or spread out your course payment over the first 2 months.

Refund Policy:

All course purchases are final and are not valid for refund. For those on partial installment if a payment is declined, the course will be removed from your account and will remain unavailable until payment has been received.

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Golden Eagle

Discover The TRUE You Course includes:

  1. Video Access to 20 Interactive Sessions
  2. PDFs for Student Handbook and Journey Guide

What People Are Saying:

My cousin took this course years ago in Virginia and I watched her life change over the months that followed her completing the course. I finally told her what was going on in my life and marriage. She said - Girl you can take this course that I took in Virginia, I told her I cant afford to take a 10 week course in VA! Could not beleive we it is now available online. Thank you to my cousin for her example and I'm grateful to take this course conveniently in my home or in my car. Im feeling better day by day. Praise God!

DiDi M, TN

My Mom told me about this course. I was skeptical at first---I didn't have the time or attention to go through a 10-week course BUT I knew I was in emotional pain! I enrolled and each week I felt as if you were in my skin. YOU KNEW MY PAIN and did not judge me. Each week I felt stronger an stronger as i applied the material. I've told my Mom---thank you and now I want to tell you at TTF---Thank You!

Sharon H., VA