Partners Speak

What Are Community Leaders Saying To Address The COSTS of The Problem?


Partner With Us To See More Women's Lives Restored From The Damaging Effects of Abuse! Thank You.


Partner With Us

Time To Fly Foundation (TTF) is grateful to have wonderful sponsors who work with us by providing essential resources, sponsoring fundraising events or investing time and effort. By helping TTF, these groups demonstrate concern and make obvious their commitment to providing a solution for the many difficult challenges facing women who experienced abuse. Investing time, expertise and financial resources in a partnership with TTF can directly save the lives of women, and we are so thankful for every partner!
Yes! I Want To Become A Partner


As one of our Artist Partners, you’ll show your support for TTF by raising awareness of the dynamics of domestic abuse at your events that 2 of 4  women face today, especially those in the creative arts world. 


As one of our Business Partners, you’ll show your support for TTF by raising awareness of the DV issues that many corporate women in the business world face today. Sponsor program participants, Host "Counting The Costs" awareness events and share onsite at Employee Charity Fairs. 


As one of our Ministry Partners, you’ll show your support for TTF by raising awareness  domestic abuse impacts 50% of women in the church today. Host a "Time To Talk" Coffee Chat event , Sponsor program participants and help identify local candidates to become trained TTF Field Facilitators. 

Partnerships Propel Us Forward

If you are interested in supporting Time To Fly Foundation financially as an artist, business or ministry, please fill out the form or contact us at (877) 570-9488.

Your artistry, business or church will receive exposure to a large audience of other Tine To Fly Foundation supporters.

Partnership Form

Get started today to help CHANGE a woman's life to regain her God-given worth and break the cycle of abuse!


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